from Saboteur to Sage



Mindset Magic

Unlock Your Full Potential in Life, Career, Relationships, and Creative Endeavors

Welcome to a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformative change. An enhanced 7-week Positive Intelligence® program integrates somatic practices with cutting-edge mental fitness training in an intimate group-coaching container. This is a holistic approach to personal growth & professional success.

Co-Hort 7-Week Schedule:
Cohort begins the week of September 30

Cohort ends the week of November 10
Weekly meetups will either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday from 9 - 10 am PST

Due to intimate program the group will vote on weekly meeting times.


but Does it fit you?

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you want to:

  • Take Empowered Action: Guide you to take aligned action in an intimate group coaching container.

  • Weaken Saboteurs: Scientifically proven techniques to reduce negative self-talk and destructive behaviors.

  • Enhance Positive Emotions: Activate Sage brain regions, fostering greater positivity, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

  • Boost Mental Fitness: Strengthen your Sage brain regions, leading to improved resilience and reduced stress.


What makes this unique?


Intimate Group Coaching

empowred action


You will receive:

  • An intimate group coaching container (maximum 6) to receive individualized feedback & tailored guidance.

  • Weekly 1 Hour Group Coaching Sessions

  • Shared Insights from diverse perspectives and collective wisdom from the group.

  • Private group chat for daily support & community.

Bonus: I want to lovingly gift you a cosmic reading to support you on your journey!

Neuroplasticity Practices

Mindset magic


You will receive:

  • Full access to the 6-week Positive Intelligence® (PQ) journey that is valued at $995. See for yourself!

  • Full access to the PQ app with daily mental fitness practices to grow your Sage super powers & track your progress.

Bonus: You will be given one-year membership to Positive Intelligence, so they can continue their growth after the program!

Mind & Body Harmony

lasting change


You will receive:

  • Custom Somatic practices to release physical tension & emotional stress stored in the body

  • Chakra aligning somatic practices for balance & harmony

  • Lifetime access to these practices

By blending the principles of Positive Intelligence with integrative somatic practices, this 7-week journey offers a comprehensive approach to achieving lasting change.

7-week journey

  • Understand the fundamentals of Positive Intelligence

    Identify your Saboteurs and Sage Powers

    Introduction to somatic practices to enhance body awareness

    Bonus: 45 Minute Cosmic Reading for FREE!

  • Develop strategies to weaken your Saboteurs

    Engage in PQ Reps to build mental muscles

    Practice somatic exercises for stress relief and focus

  • Learn to shift from Saboteur to Sage mode

    Apply Sage Powers in daily life

    Explore somatic techniques for emotional regulation

  • Improve communication and empathy skills

    Practice active listening and conflict resolution

    Utilize somatic awareness to enhance interpersonal connections

  • Set and achieve professional goals

    Overcome workplace challenges with Sage strategies

    Use somatic practices to maintain workplace wellness

  • Tap into your creative potential

    Break free from mental blocks

    Incorporate somatic movement to stimulate creativity

  • Reflect on your journey and growth

    Create a personalized action plan for continued progress

    Participate in a closing somatic ritual to solidify your transformation


What was the biggest shift in your life and/or career?

More self-compassion, and more clarity on my thoughts and feelings every day, more often = more self-empathy = empathy for others.

Whether I found a new start-up or move in an entirely new creative direction with professional steps, I will keep this 6-week journey with my pod close to my heart.



What specific results can you share?

I am much more deliberate about taking time to ease and train my mind.

Being proactive and training your mind on how you want to show up to all of life's situations makes you feel that much more calmer about taking on life.


-Healthcare Executive


discover the power within you to create the life you desire.


About Mentor

HI, I’M Jessie anne & I BELIEVE IN mindset magic.

I’ve seen the transformation not only in my clients’ lives, but in every area of my life too. It positively impacts your relationships, your career and most importantly, yourself. The magic of this powerful 7-week journey is the unique combo of a science-backed mental fitness program, somatic healing and intimate group coaching that is the catalyst to lasting change - true transformation.

One last note, I’ve been in countless group-coaching containers or programs promising me to reach my goals or gain the clarity I was craving, but all they did was rattle my nervous system. And if i’m being completely honest, harmed it. This container I created is uniquely designed for nervous system health. It is so important to me that I help you reach your goals in a healing & restorative way.

With that, I leave you with these loving questions:
If you embarked on this journey of embracing self-love & unlocking your true potential, what would become available in your life that isn’t available to you today? What would there be more of? What would there be less of?


  • We will kick off the program Monday, September 30 and it will run for 7-weeks up until the week of November 17.

    We will meet each week either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday from 9-10am (PST) due to the set module release for PQ.

    Due to the intimate container, we will vote on weekly day for the group once all spots are filled.

  • Yes! I can do three (3) payments of $333. Email me at to set this up or book a free call here.

  • A few important reasons :)

    Personalized Attention:
    With smaller group sizes, you receive more individualized feedback and tailored guidance, accelerating your personal growth and ensuring your unique needs are met.

    Deep Connections: The intimate container allows you to build strong, supportive relationships with peers, fostering community & trust that enhances your learning experience and provides lasting communities of care. My past PQ groups still keep in touch and support one another! I still meet with mine every other week YEARS later!

    Shared Insights: Benefit from hearing from other diverse perspectives and collective wisdom. When group members share experiences and strategies it enriches your understanding & inspires new approaches to your challenges. This is the amplification to your progress that you don’t get 1-1 OR on a zoom call of 20+


It’’s Waiting for You!